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List of products by brand ZSRR i Rosja

Goods manufactured by various manufacturers during the Soviet era (USSR). The category includes goods of unidentified manufacturers or limited quantity goods of a given manufacturer.

Goods manufactured by various manufacturers during the Soviet era (USSR). The category includes goods of unidentified manufacturers or limited quantity goods of a given manufacturer.

There are 585 products.

Showing 565-576 of 585 item(s)

Reference: 14041

Brand: ZSRR i Rosja

Medal "For victory over Germany", 70's years

Medal awarded to soldiers involved in the last battles of World War II. Inscription on the obverse in Russian "Nasze dielo prawoje - my pabiedili" ("Our case is right - we prevailed") and a portrait of Joseph Stalin, on the reverse "Za pabiedu nad Giermaniej w Wielikoj Otjecziestwiennoj Wajnie 1941-1945gg" ("For victory over Germany in Great Patriotic War...

Price €12.25

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