Reference: 15212
Brand: Polska
Button type "Canadian", 30 mm, DIYP
Plastic button "Canadian". Sewn with the tape for widths 10 mm.
Reference: 15212
Brand: Polska
Plastic button "Canadian". Sewn with the tape for widths 10 mm.
Reference: 14565
Brand: Polska
Beams to epaulettes of non-commissioned officers, nickel-plated. Version for coats.
Reference: 10104
Brand: ZSRR i Rosja
Original cloth strap for weapon. Used for russian guns: AKM, AK-74, SVD, PK/PKM etc. Version from USSR, in olive-sand shade.
Reference: 16994
Brand: Polska
Load-bearing tape to the battle set, pouches and other military and tourist equipment. Made from immune on of wiping, causing to pill and weather conditions of the polyamide.
Reference: 16171
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "Fatherland War - I class" ("Орден Отечественной войны - Первая степень") - granted for outstanding action and the courage during the World War II.
Reference: 16195
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For liberating Prague" ("За освобождение Праги") - of year granted participants in fights for liberating Prague in May 1945.
Reference: 16180
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For the Exemplary Work" ("За трудовую доблесть") - granted for workers and for farmers outstanding at the work, for the innovation, successes in the field of sport and of physical culture etc.
Reference: 16173
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "October Revolution" ("Орден Октябрьской Революции") - granted for outstanding action being aimed at a development of Soviet state, courage during fights in the defence the USSR, for the contribution to building international community etc.
Reference: 16142
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For the Protection of the public order" ("За отличную службу по охране общественного порядка") - granted officers, soldiers and civilians standing out for fighting the crime and economic crime.
Reference: 16149
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "XX years of the Victory in the Great Fatherland War 1941-1945" ("Двадцать лет победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.") - granted soldiers serving in the armed forces in 1965 and for veterans of the World War II.
Reference: 16187
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "Fame" ("Орден Славы") - granted for heroic action during fights, destroying significant strength of the opponent etc. The same ribbon is to the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Fatherland War 1941-1945" ("За победу над Германией в Великой...
Reference: 16251
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "To the 1500 anniversary of Kiev" ("В память 1500-летия Киева") - granted soldiers and civilians for the commitment to the development of Kiev, in 1982 year.
Reference: 16137
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For exemplary in the protection national border" ("За отличие в охране государственной границы СССР") - granted among others for the service in the protection border, apprehension crossing the border and the like.
Reference: 16140
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For capturing Vienna" ("За взятие Вены") - granted participants in fights for capturing Vienna in 1945.
Reference: 16183
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For 20 Years of the Impeccable Service" ("За 20 лет безупречной службы") - granted soldiers with appropriate internship and exemplary history of the service.
Reference: 16184
Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For 15 Years of the Impeccable Service" ("За 15 лет безупречной службы") - granted soldiers with appropriate internship and exemplary history of the service.